Pose of the week 4/2/14

Side Crow-

Why would I want to do that?

  • Benefits your balance practice
  • Teaches patience
  • Tones back and abs
  • Strengthens wrists and forearms
  • Increases stamina
  • It’s fun and looks neat.


Where do I begin?

  • Side bends and twist to get the spine loose
  • Chair twists with the elbow hooked
  • Pelvic tilts to assist with engaging all parts of the core
  • Chaturanga holds


That’s awesome! How do I do that?

  • Come to class!
  • Start in twisted chair to the left, then shift your weight over to the left side and place both hands on the floor about shoulder distance apart with your elbows bent and squeezing towards one another (your toes are still touching the floor). Next tighten your core and start lean forward to draw your right foot off the floor slowly keeping your balance, then lift your left foot off the floor and draw it towards your right foot. Keep breathing, your head lifted and legs squeezing, weight should be balanced 70% on the right arm under the leg and 30% on the left arm.
  • Practice, practice, practice. This pose is challenging and the more you do it the easier it gets.


Counter poses after side crow?

  • Downward facing dog
  • Forward fold
  • Wrist circles