2/26/18 Week Seven: Sahasrara Chakra (Crown)

Sahasrara Chakra (Crown Chakra)- is positioned at the very top of our head and symbolizes the highest state of enlightenment, the halo. The element associated with the Crown Chakra is thought and mind function and the color connected to Sahasrara is white. Excessiveness in the crown chakra include the sense of superior intelligence, or being an elite member. Blockages in the crown chakra include materialism and lacking the ability to make your own decisions.

To help excessiveness practicing mindfulness of the body and thoughts while in many poses, as well as sitting with eyes closed sending positive thoughts to others.

To help blockages practice meditation and balancing the other six chakras.

2/12/18 Week Five: Throat Chakra (Vishuda)

Vishuda Chakra (Throat Chakra)- is found at the center of the throat and regulates our ability to communicate. This communication comes in many forms including verbal  (speaking and listening) and non-verbal (facial expressions and physical movements). Vishuda Chakra is coupled with the ether, our clear expression, and with the color blue. Signs of excessiveness in our fifth chakra include interrupting others, stuttering, over active thyroid, gossiping, constant need to talk about yourself and pointing out others are wrong. Signs of blockages in our fifth chakra include shyness, indecisiveness, lack of confidence, teeth grinding, stiff shoulders, sore throats, under active thyroid.

Poses to assist with blockages are bridge, shoulderstand, plow, and camel.

Poses to assist with excessiveness upward facing two footed staff pose, king pigeon

1/22/18 Week two: Sacral Chakra (Swadhisthana)

Swadhisthana Chakra (Sacral Chakra)- Swadhisthana is positioned at the tailbone (coccyx), two finger-widths above Muladhara.  This energy vortex involves our procreation (sexual organs), assimilation of food (taste), physical force and vitality (kidney and urinary tracts), and sexuality. Swadhisthana is largely responsible for purification of all bodily fluids through the kidneys, bladder and lymph system, and for the continuation of life through the sex organs and glands of reproduction. Signs of excessiveness in our second chakra include overindulgence, illness, confusion, purposelessness, jealousy, impotence and bladder tribulations.  Swadhisthana is coupled with water, our connection with pleasure and enjoyment, giving and receiving, desire/passion, love, spontaneity, working well with others and with the color orange.

Poses to open the sacral chakra include forward fold, butterfly, cow face pose, pigeon, seated straddle stretch.

1/15/18 Week One: Root Chakra (Muladhara)


Muladhara Chakra (Root Chakra)- Centered at the perineum and the base of our spine, this energy vortex involves our survival needs, establishing a healthy sense of connection to the earth, caring for our body, and purging our body of wastes and toxins. The parts of our body connected to the root chakra are the base of our spine, the legs, feet, and our large intestine. Signs of excessiveness in our first chakra include greed, stockpiling possessions or money, or gaining excessive weight. Muladhara Chakra is coupled with the earth, our physical and emotional connections, and with the color red, which has a slower vibration than the colors that represent the other chakras.

Poses to ground the root chakra include mountain, butterfly, easy seated, staff, forward fold, bridge, chair, warrior I and II.


2/19/18 Week Six: Ajna Chakra (Third Eye)

Ajna Chakra (Third Eye)- Ajna is positioned on the brow in between the eyebrows and slightly above. The third eye is often called the command center and controls how we create and perceive life, art and our environment.  When someone says they have a “gut feeling” about something, we often refer to that as intuition, which is actually coming from the Ajna chakra. The element related with the Thrid Eye Chakra is Light and color connected to Ajna is deep blue.  Signs of excessiveness in our third eye we notice headaches, nightmares, difficulty focusing. Signs of blockages in our third eye include lack of imagination, lack of memory, denial and eye issues.

Poses to assist with blockages include daily meditation with visualization practice and identifying our perception verses our intuition

Poses to assist with excessiveness include daily meditation with focus and intent on pranayama (breath work)